全国服务热线 13641790595


更新时间:2024-09-07 08:40:00
联系人:黄斌 先生 | 刘彩 女士


关于主办单位|About the organizer

中国纺织品商业协会(CHINATEXTILECOMMERCE ASSOCIATION),是在国务院国有资产监督管理委员会指导下,经民政部批准成立的,具有社团法人资格的非营利性质的全国性行业组织。


China Textile Commerce Association(CHINA TEXTILE COMMERCE ASSOCIATION) is a non-profit national industry organization with the approval of the Ministryof Civil Affairs under the guidance of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

Established in 2009,Messe Düsseldorf(Shanghai)Co,Ltd. (MDS) is a subsidiary of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, one of the world's top exhibition organizers. MDS iscommitted to introducing industry leading trade fairs to China and providing Chinese and international customers with superior exhibition services.


关于展会|About the exhibition


China International Occupational Safety&Health GoodIsExpo(CIOSH)is a national trade exhibition held every spring and autumn by the association since 1966. In spring, it will be fixedly held in Shanghai; in autumn it will be a national tour. Now, the exhibition space here are over 80,000 square meters, with more than 1,500 exhibitors and 35,000 professional visitors.


关于劳动防护用品 About the occupational safety&health goods 


Protecting workers'life safety and occupational healthis the most fundamental and profound connotation of safe production, and also the core of the safe production essence. In the production process, the "people-ori-ented" principle must be adhered to. In the relationship between production and safety, everything is safety-oriented, and safety must be ranked first. The occupational safety & health goods (also known as "personal protective equipment", the international abbreviation "PPE") refers to a protective equipment provided by workers in orderto avoid or mitigate accidental injuries or occupational hazards in the production process. Through the measures of obstructing, sealing, absorbing, dispersing and suspending, it can protect the part or all of the body from external aggression. Under certain conditions, the use of personal protective equipment is the main protective measure. PPE prodL cts are divided into general labor protection products and special labor protection products.




head protection, face protection, eye protection, hearlng protection, respiratory protection, hand protection, foot protection, body protection, high altitude safety porotection, inspection equipment, safety warnings and related protective equipment, product certification,safety training,etc.




  • 地址:中国展会服务平台
  • 电话:18918926905
  • 参展联系:黄斌 先生 | 刘彩 女士
  • 手机:13641790595
  • 传真:021-54700867
  • 微信:18918926905
  • QQ:331221184
  • Email:331221184@qq.com